Massage therapy combines hands-on manipulation involving a range of techniques to treat the soft tissue and joints of the body. Massage therapy aims to prevent, develop, maintain, rehabilitate, or increase physical movement or relieve pain.
An injury from a sports event or a physical activity can slow down mobility and cause pain and discomfort. Recovering can be a frustrating process.
As we go about daily, our muscles and joints can ache and often become stiff. Sometimes sitting on a chair all day, overusing routine chores or implementing a new type of exercise can increase stress on our body. Massage therapy can prevent the body from over-reaction to the stress of everyday life.
Improving mobility is possible when you work with a registered massage therapist trained in injury rehabilitation. The primary purpose of rehab is to strengthen and restore the flexibility of the injured body part.
Massage therapists are trained in several different modalities. They can apply different techniques and treatments to improve your health, like a deep-tissue massage or other modalities to ease muscular stress and tension. Each modality specializes in a particular type of treatment.
Parkway offers a variety of services available for our clients who are working with our massage therapist, such as:
· Chiropody Foot Care
· Shockwave Therapy
· Cupping
· Low-Level Therapy - Theralase
Our massage therapist, Brent Ellis, will go through your medical history and design a plan in detail with techniques that can help you to recover faster. He will examine the area you are looking to improve and determine the pressure to be applied while keeping in mind the pain points of the injury. He will also suggest how often you should receive the therapy.
Brent is available for appointments:
Wednesday - 8:30 am - final appointment at 7:30 pm
Friday - 8:30 am - final appointment at 3:30 pm