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Acupuncture Treatment

We offer Acupuncture


There are a variety of reasons to consider acupuncture. It is a holistic way to detoxify the body, treat disorders and disease and aid in various types of discomfort within the body.


The remarkable thing about acupuncture intervention is that it is believed to help patients recover faster. Acupuncture therapy is known to revitalize the body and act as an immune booster.


Many people make use of this alternative therapy to minimize stress levels and improve blood circulation in their body. Acupuncture is known to prevent particular ailments from becoming acute and severe. Apart from these health benefits, acupuncture has been proven effective as a therapy to treat problems such as headaches, migraines, arthritis, weight reduction, women’s health issues, addiction, substance abuse, inflammation and pain.


What is it used for?


Acupuncture is very effective at treating a variety of painful musculoskeletal problems including:


  • headaches 

  • neck pain

  • low back pain

  • sciatica

  • arthritis

  • tendonitis

  • tennis elbow

  • frozen shoulder

  • muscle strains

  • ligament sprain


Are there any Risks or Side Effects?


One of the benefits of acupuncture is that it has few risks or side effects. Women who are pregnant and haemophiliacs should be treated with caution. This clinic uses disposable needles, preventing any risk of infection or disease transmission. Overall, acupuncture should be considered a safe, low-risk therapy.


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